TI will explain how Firmware SW is developed using TC275 one by one.
This article is one of the articles that serialize the overall contents of development.
So, if you look at the previous article, I think it will be more helpful.
I will link the article below. Read it if you need to.
(Of course, there is no big problem if you just read this article.)
First of all, please launch Aulix Development Studio.
Then, let’s create a project.
Select File -> New -> New AURIX Proejct.
And write the name TC275_Project1 and click Next.
Then make your selections as above and click Finish.
The project is now created.
Now, click Build All, and let’s try a build.
Build is now finished.
Then, let’s download it to the purchased board.
Please click on the worm above.
Everything is set.
Please click Debug.
If you set the break point above and execute it, it will stop as above.
We are finally ready to start developing.
Now let’s blink the LED.